Content updates#

Page last updated:

Sep 12, 2023

Needless to say, the digital moves fast: as such contents included in the book - last revised between February and November 2022 - may have become obsolete, or new details may have emerged. Hence this page collects links to online materials - along with a short description for each one - that provide updates to topics discussed in the book.
Topics are listed alphabetically, and updates are organised in inverse chronological order (elements at the top of each topic are the newest ones); each link leads to a preservation copy of the original page, and is accompanied by the date on which the article was published. Sidenotes include the page number(s) where the topic is discussed.

1CATLISM, 36-37

Hi-Q vs Linkedin1CATLISM, 36-37#

  • On December 7 2022, following a new ruling, the (now defunct) company Hi-Q was found in “violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)” for illegaly scraping data from LinkedIn - posing new challenges to scraping efforts | | published 19/12/2022

2CATLISM, 145-146

robots.txt2CATLISM, 145-146#

  • Google proposes an update to the robots.txt standard to deal with AI access to online contents | | published 06/07/2023

3CATLISM, 246-247

youtube-dl3CATLISM, 246-247#

  • German court orders the block of (one of) the official youtube-dl website(s) | | published 09/08/2023