
Data collection from websites can be obtained using the corpus-linguistics-oriented Trafilatura.
Options and arguments for the tool can be found in the official documentation.


Installing the tool1CATLISM, 156#

Command [c5.04] #
pip install trafilatura
Command [c5.07] #
pip install gooey
2CATLISM, 156-157; 159

Using the tool2CATLISM, 156-157; 159#

Command [c5.05]#
Command [c5.06]#
Command [c5.08]#
trafilatura -i list.txt -o txtfiles

In the video the argument -vv is used to print trafilatura messages to the console; otherwise no messages will be printed if the operation succeeds.

Command [c5.09]#
trafilatura --xml -i list.txt -o xmlfiles

In the video the argument -vv is used to print trafilatura messages to the console; otherwise no messages will be printed if the operation succeeds.

Command [c5.10]#
 trafilatura --xml --formatting --link --images --inputdir localHTML -o xmlfiles

In the video the argument -vv is used to print trafilatura messages to the console; otherwise no messages will be printed if the operation succeeds.

3CATLISM, 158-159

Example of data extracted with Trafilatura3CATLISM, 158-159#

Example [e5.04]#
 1<doc sitename="The Guardian" title="‘Mind-blowing’: Ai-Da becomes first robot to paint like an artist" author="Caroline Davies" date="2022-04-04" source="" hostname="" excerpt="AI algorithms prompt robot to interrogate, select, decision-make to create a painting" categories="Technology" tags="Robots,Technology,Artificial intelligence (AI),Art,Computing,Consciousness" fingerprint="ETYg93u3aaAiAbJW0sOWW472T+4=">
 2    <main>
 3        <p>Brush clamped firmly in bionic hand, Ai-Da’s robotic arm moves slowly, dipping in to a paint palette then making slow, deliberate strokes across the paper in front of her.</p>
 4        <p>This, according to Aidan Meller, the creator of the world’s first ultra-realistic humanoid robot, Ai-Da, is “mind-blowing” and “groundbreaking” stuff.</p>
 5        [...]
 6        <graphic src=";quality=85&amp;fit=max&amp;s=e724f5ca70f9995e856648c2556a7637" alt="Ai-Da takes more than five hours to make a painting, but no two works are exactly the same." />
 7        <p>
 8            With rapidly developing
 9            <ref target="">artificial intelligence</ref>
10            , growing accessibility to super computers and machine learning on the up, Ai-Da  named after the computing pioneer Ada Lovelace  exists as a “comment and critique” on rapid technological change.
11        </p>
12        <graphic src=";quality=85&amp;fit=max&amp;s=36006bc6f77064e854f4c2301804bc78" alt="Ai-Da Robot with creator Aidan Meller." />
13    </main>
14    <comments />