
Data collection from Facebook can be obtained using facebook-scraper.
Options and arguments for the tool can be found in the official documentation.


Installing the tool1CATLISM, 227#

Command [c5.26]#
pip install facebook-scraper

Using the tool2CATLISM, 227#

Command [c5.27]#
facebook-scraper --filename OUTPUT.json --format json --comments --pages N PROFILE_NAME

Extracting the data#

3CATLISM, 237-242

Extract data from posts3CATLISM, 237-242#

Script [s5.10] #
  1# Import modules for: regular expressions; reading JSON files; loading files using regular expression;
  2# working with XML files; reading timestamps as date objects;
  3import re
  4import json
  5import glob
  6from lxml import etree
  7from dateutil import parser
  9# Get a list of all the files with .json extension
 10files = glob.glob("*.json")
 11# For each file, do:
 12for single_file in files:
 13    # Delete the extension from the filename and store it inside of the 'filename' variable
 14    filename = single_file.replace(".json", "")
 16    # Open the file and do:
 17    with open(single_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
 18        # Read its contents and save them to the 'contents' variable
 19        contents = f.read()
 20        # Use a regular expression to remove extra commas between JSON objects; this fixes a bug in the current version of
 21        # facebook-scraper (v0.2.59) whereby more than one comma may be inserted between JSON objects, rendering the contents
 22        # unparsable by Python
 23        contents = re.sub("\},{2,}\{", "},{", contents)
 25    # Load the read contents as JSON
 26    data = json.loads(contents)
 27    # Create the <text> root element tag where the post contents and details are stored in the final XML
 28    text_tag = etree.Element("text")
 30    # For each object in the JSON, corresponding to one post, do:
 31    for post in data:
 32        # Create the <post> element tag to enclose one single post
 33        post_tag = etree.SubElement(text_tag, "post")
 34        # Assign a set of attributes to <post> using the data extracted from the metadata data-points, as well as the
 35        # textual content of the post as text of the <post> element tag
 36        post_tag.attrib["id"] = post["post_id"]
 37        post_tag.attrib["author"] = post["username"]
 38        post_tag.attrib["author_id"] = str(post["user_id"])
 39        post_tag.attrib["comments"] = str(post["comments"])
 40        post_tag.attrib["shares"] = str(post["shares"])
 41        post_tag.text = post["text"]
 43        # Extract the date and transform it into a datetime object, then extract the two-digit day and month along the 4-digit
 44        # year and assign them to the three attributes 'date_d', 'date_m', and 'date_y' respectively
 45        post_date = parser.parse(post["time"])
 46        post_tag.attrib["date_d"] = str(post_date.day)
 47        post_tag.attrib["date_m"] = str(post_date.month)
 48        post_tag.attrib["date_y"] = str(post_date.year)
 50        # Check if the number of 'likes' and 'reactions' is present: if so, assign the values to the two attributes, if not
 51        # assign the value 0
 52        post_tag.attrib["likes"] = str(
 53            post["likes"] if post["likes"] is not None else 0
 54        )
 55        post_tag.attrib["reactions_count"] = str(
 56            post["reaction_count"] if post["reaction_count"] is not None else 0
 57        )
 59        # Check if details concerning reactions are present, i.e. if the dictionary for reactions exists and the key 'sad' exists
 60        reactions = post.get("reactions")
 61        if isinstance(reactions, dict) and reactions.get("sad"):
 62            # If present, assign the total number of 'sad' reactions to the 'reactions_sad' attribute
 63            post_tag.attrib["reaction_sad"] = str(reactions.get("sad"))
 64        else:
 65            # If not, assign the value 0
 66            post_tag.attrib["reaction_sad"] = "0"
 68        # Check if the array of comments is not empty, i.e. if check if the metadata data-point for comments is present
 69        # (if the data was collected withouth the '--comments' the array is always empty; if '--comments' was used,
 70        # array may be empty if no comments were made to the post. If the array is empty, proceed with the next item
 71        if post["comments_full"] is None:
 72            continue
 74        # For each found comment, do:
 75        for comment in post["comments_full"]:
 76            # Create the <comment> element tag to enclose the contents of the comment
 77            comment_tag = etree.SubElement(post_tag, "comment")
 78            # Assign a set of attributes to <comment>, including 'type' with value 'c' indicating this is a comment
 79            # and not a reply to a comment (identified by the value 'r'), as well as the textual content of the
 80            # post as text of the <post> element tag
 81            comment_tag.attrib["type"] = "c"
 82            comment_tag.attrib["comment_to"] = post["post_id"]
 83            comment_tag.attrib["id"] = comment["comment_id"]
 84            comment_tag.attrib["author"] = comment["commenter_name"]
 85            comment_tag.attrib["author_id"] = comment["commenter_id"]
 87            # Extract the date and transform it into a datetime object - if present, otherwise
 88            # extract the two-digit day and month along the 4-digit year and assign them to
 89            # the three attributes 'date_d', 'date_m', and 'date_y' respectively
 90            comment_date = (
 91                parser.parse(comment["comment_time"])
 92                if comment["comment_time"] is not None
 93                else None
 94            )
 96            comment_tag.attrib["date_d"] = str(
 97                comment_date.day if comment_date is not None else "na"
 98            )
 99            comment_tag.attrib["date_m"] = str(
100                comment_date.month if comment_date is not None else "na"
101            )
102            comment_tag.attrib["date_y"] = str(
103                comment_date.year if comment_date is not None else "na"
104            )
105            comment_tag.text = comment["comment_text"]
107            # Check if the array of replies exists; if it does not, proceed with the next item
108            if not comment["replies"]:
109                continue
111            # For each reply found, do:
112            for reply in comment["replies"]:
113                # Create the <comment> element tag to enclose the contents of the reply
114                reply_tag = etree.SubElement(post_tag, "comment")
116                # Assign a set of attributes to <comment>, including 'type' with value 'r' indicating
117                # this is a reply to a comment and not a direct comment to the post (identified by the value 'c'),
118                # as well as the textual content of the  post as text of the <post> element tag
119                reply_tag.attrib["type"] = "r"
120                reply_tag.attrib["comment_to"] = comment["comment_id"]
121                reply_tag.attrib["id"] = reply["comment_id"]
122                reply_tag.attrib["author"] = reply["commenter_name"]
123                reply_tag.attrib["author_id"] = reply["commenter_id"]
124                reply_date = (
125                    parser.parse(reply["comment_time"])
126                    if reply["comment_time"] is not None
127                    else None
128                )
129                reply_tag.attrib["date_d"] = str(
130                    reply_date.day if reply_date is not None else "na"
131                )
132                reply_tag.attrib["date_m"] = str(
133                    reply_date.month if reply_date is not None else "na"
134                )
135                reply_tag.attrib["date_y"] = str(
136                    reply_date.year if reply_date is not None else "na"
137                )
138                reply_tag.text = reply["comment_text"]
140    # Build the XML structure with all the elements collected so far
141    tree = etree.ElementTree(text_tag)
142    # Write the resulting XML structure to a file named after the input filename, using utf-8 encoding, adding the XML declaration
143    # at the start of the file and graphically formatting the layout ('pretty_print')
144    tree.write(
145        filename + ".xml", pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8"
146    )

How to use script [s5.10]#

Copy/download the file s5.10_extract_facebookscraper-posts_json.py inside the folder where the data downloaded through facebook-scraper (e.g. through c5.27) resides; then browse inside the folder through the terminal, e.g.

cd Downloads/facebook_data/

At last, run the script from the terminal:

python s5.10_extract_facebookscraper-posts_json.py
4CATLISM, 242-245

Extract data from profiles4CATLISM, 242-245#

Script [s5.11] #
 1# Import facebook_scraper module get_profile to get the profile details
 2from facebook_scraper import get_profile
 4# Define the function 'get_profile_details'
 5def get_profile_details(profile_id, profiles_db):
 6    """Extract details from a Facebook profile; input is the profile ID and the pandas dataframe to which
 7    downloaded details are stored. Returns a list with the following elements:
 9    friend_count = profile_details[0]
10    follower_count = profile_details[1]
11    following_count = profile_details[2]
12    basic = profile_details[3]
13    about = profile_details[4]
15    Assumes the existence of:
16    - a file named 'cookies.json' in the current path, containing Facebook cookie
17    - a dataframe with 'profile_id' as index, e.g.:
18    profiles_db = pd.DataFrame(
19        columns=[
20            "profile_id",
21            "friend_count",
22            "follower_count",
23            "following_count",
24            "basic_info",
25            "about",
26            ],
27    ).set_index("profile_id")
28    """
30    # If details for the profile ID have already been downloaded:
31    if profile_id in profiles_db.index:
32        # Get the details from the already-downloaded data stored in the 'profiles_db' dataframe
33        friend_count = profiles_db.loc[profile_id, "friend_count"]
34        follower_count = profiles_db.loc[profile_id, "follower_count"]
35        following_count = profiles_db.loc[profile_id, "following_count"]
36        basic_info = profiles_db.loc[profile_id, "basic_info"]
37        about = profiles_db.loc[profile_id, "about"]
38        # Assign all the extracted details to a tuple labelled 'collected_details'
39        collected_details = (
40            friend_count,
41            follower_count,
42            following_count,
43            basic_info,
44            about,
45        )
46        # Output the list with the details
47        return collected_details
49    # If the details for the selected profile ID are not present in the 'profiles_db' dataframe:
50    else:
51        # Download the details using the 'get_profile' function from facebook-scraper; this requires Facebook cookies to be present in
52        # the folder where the script is run, and passed to the function using the argument 'cookies=. Details on how to extract them
53        # from the web browser are avaible in the tool's official documentation
54        profile_details = get_profile(profile_id, cookies="cookies_fb.jso")
55        # From the data downloaded by facebook-scraper extract only a number of details, saving each one of them to a separate variable
56        friend_count = str(profile_details["Friend_count"])
57        follower_count = str(profile_details["Follower_count"])
58        following_count = str(profile_details["Following_count"])
59        basic_info = profile_details["Basic info"]
60        # Check if the data-point 'About' exists: if it does, extract the contents of the data-point 'About' and assign it to
61        # the variable 'about'; if it does not assign the value 'None'instead
62        about = profile_details.get("About", "None")
63        # Assign all the extracted details to a tuple labelled 'collected_details'
64        collected_details = (
65            friend_count,
66            follower_count,
67            following_count,
68            basic_info,
69            about,
70        )
71        # Add the list with the downloaded details to the 'profiles_db' dataframe
72        profiles_db.loc[profile_id] = collected_details
73        # Output the list with the details
74        return collected_details
5CATLISM, 245-246

Implement the collection of profile details ([s5.11]) into [s5.10]5CATLISM, 245-246#

Script [s5.12] #
 1# Assuming that script [s5.11] has been saved locally to a file name 'get_profile_details.py
 2# it can be implemented into script [s5.10] by adding the following lines where indicated in the comments
 4# Add the following imports at the bottom of the 'import' section, to use pandas dataframes, and the get_profile_details module
 5import pandas as pd
 6from get_profile_details import get_profile_details
 8# Add the following lines after the import section to create a pandas dataframe for storing the downloaded details.
 9    profiles_db = pd.DataFrame(
10        columns=[
11            "profile_id",
12            "friend_count",
13            "follower_count",
14            "following_count",
15            "basic_info",
16            "about",
17            ],
18    ).set_index("profile_id")
20# Whenever details from a profile need to be extracted, the function 'get_profile_details' can be applied to the extracted
21# 'profile_id'. For example, to download details regarding the author of a comment:
22commenter_details = get_profile_details(comment["commenter_id"])
24# Each detail can then be extracted to an XML attribute using e.g.:
25comment_tag.attrib["author_friends"] = commenter_details[0]
26comment_tag.attrib["author_current_place"] = commenter_details[3]
6CATLISM, 236-237

Example of data extracted with [s5.10]6CATLISM, 236-237#

Example [e5.12]#
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3  <post id="UNIQUE_POST_ID" author="USER_FULL_NAME" author_id="UNIQUE_AUTHOR_ID" comments="NUMBER" shares="NUMBER" date_d="NUMBER" date_m="NUMBER" date_y="NUMBER" likes="NUMBER" reactions_count="NUMBER" reaction_sad="NUMBER">
5    <comment type="c" comment_to="UNIQUE_POST_ID" id="UNIQUE_COMMENT_ID" author="USER_FULL_NAME" author_id="UNIQUE_AUTHOR_ID" date_d="NUMBER" date_m="NUMBER" date_y="NUMBER">COMMENT TEXTUAL CONTENTS</comment>
6    <comment type="r" comment_to="UNIQUE_COMMENT_ID" id="UNIQUE_COMMENT_ID" author="USER_FULL_NAME" author_id="UNIQUE_AUTHOR_ID" date_d="NUMBER" date_m="NUMBER" date_y="NUMBER">REPLY TEXTUAL CONTENTS</comment>
7  </post>