How do I cite your work?#

When using materials from this online compendium you may wish to cite both the book and the compendium itself - or alternatively the scripts only if you are only using the latter ones.

Citing the book

Di Cristofaro, Matteo. Corpus Approaches to Language in Social Media. New York: Routledge, 2023. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003225218.

	address = {New York},
	title = {Corpus {Approaches} to {Language} in {Social} {Media}},
	isbn = {978-1-00-322521-8},
	publisher = {Routledge},
	author = {Di Cristofaro, Matteo},
	year = {2023},
	doi = {10.4324/9781003225218},

Citing the online compendium

Di Cristofaro, Matteo. ‘Catlism/Catlism.Github.Io: V1.0.0’. Zenodo, 12 September 2023. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8338243.

  author       = {Matteo Di Cristofaro},
  title        = {{catlism/catlism.github.io: v1.0.0}},
  month        = sep,
  year         = 2023,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v1.0.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.8338243},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8338243}

Citing the scripts

Di Cristofaro, Matteo. ‘Catlism/Catlism_scripts: V1.0.0’. Zenodo, 12 September 2023. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8338207.

  author       = {Matteo Di Cristofaro and
  title        = {catlism/catlism\_scripts: v1.0.0 Initial release},
  month        = sep,
  year         = 2023,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v1.0.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.8338207},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8338207}

Can I use/modify script X for my own purposes/publication?#

Absolutely. All scripts are released through GNU GPLv3 open source licence meaning that you may use (even for commercial/patent/private use), (re)distribute, and modify them as long as you acknowledge the source and distribute the modified version using the same GPLv3 licence. In doing so, please use the citations described in How do I cite your work?.

A script/command is not working, can you help?#

I can try . Send an email to catlism[at]infogrep[dot]it describing the issue, along with the following details:

  • the operating system you are using;

  • the Python version you are using;

  • the version of the involved modules (in a script, these are the names following the occurrences of import);

  • whether you are using Conda or any other virtual environment;

  • if possible, a sample of the data you are trying to process would be helpful

I have found an error in a script, can you fix it?#

I’d be glad to; submit the problem in one of the two following ways:

  1. File an issue in the repository issue tracker (a Github account is required)

  2. Send an email with a description of the problem and a link to the relevant page(s) to catlism[at]infogrep[dot]it, along with the following details:

    • the operating system you are using;

    • the Python version you are using;

    • the version of the involved modules (in a script, these are the names following the occurrences of import);

    • whether you are using Conda or any other virtual environment

    • if possible, a sample of the data you are trying to process would be helpful

I have found an error in a webpage, can you fix it?#

I’d be glad to; submit the problem in one of the two following ways:

  • File an issue in the repository issue tracker (a Github account is required)

  • Send an email with a description of the problem and a link to the relevant page(s) to catlism[at]infogrep[dot]it

I have found an error in the book, can you add it to the Errata section?#

Certainly. Send the error and the page on which it appears via mail to catlism[at]infogrep[dot]it.

I have feedback/suggestions, how can I share it/them with you?#

The quickest way is to send me an email at catlism[at]infogrep[dot]it.

Can I download the online compendium for local/offline use?#

Sure! A .zip file containing a 1:1 copy of the latest release of the compendium (all the pages plus all the scripts) can be downloaded through the button below.

You are currently reading release v1.0.0.

Download the latest release of the compendium

Unzip the contents (be sure to preserve the folders and subfolders structure) and open the file index.html with your favourite browser. Older releases are available in the “Releases” page on Github.

Can I download all the scripts (and only the scripts) at once?#

Sure! All the scripts are hosted on a separate Github repository, and are automatically included inside the online compendium whenever changes are made. The latest release can be downloaded through the button below; older releases are available in the Github repository “Releases” page.

Download the latest release of the scripts

The website looks too dark!#

You may click on the at the top of the website to switch off the “dark” mode and enable the “light” mode